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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

REVIEW: FireFall Beta Version 0.60 Patch

Review: FireFall Beta Patch version 0.6
By:  Christopher “Synther” Wilson

FireFall is a game that I have believed in whole heartedly.  So much so, that I jumped at the chance to purchase a Founders pack, even though the game is still in beta.  A beta, that you should be reminded, has been ongoing for over a year now.  In fact, the game seems to be in a perpetual beta stage with no real light at the end of the tunnel as to when it will be “released.”  On the one hand, I find this to be a good thing since they actually have a chance to test things out and to actually listen to the beta players.  This is a refreshing idea that literally no other game developer is doing any more.  Sure, game developers do betas, but they don’t care what the beta testers actually tell them and the beta isn’t there to actually test anything or even to get any feedback.  It’s there to demo the game and that is all.  On the other hand, I find this infinite beta stage to be leading to the game developers generally losing focus on what it is that they are supposed to be doing in the first place.

This loss of focus may actually explain the current patch, version 0.6, that has been released.  The whole thing is a hot mess choked with a ton of features that nobody asked for nor did anyone need.  Not to mention that the developers released the “milestone” patch with little to no regard for their own statements on where their development team was going to be focusing their efforts after the last “milestone” patch.  Previously, Red 5 Studios tried to cram the whole PvP eSports idea down the player’s throat.  They literally flooded every interview, YouTube broadcast, forum post, and hounded anyone that could listen about how they wanted FireFall to be a major force in the eSports community.  With the last “milestone” patch, they figured they were close enough with PvP and stated that they promised to focus on PvE.  This would be a good thing, too, since the game’s large open world was feeling like little more than a huge lobby for the PvP matches.  There was a little work done and some PvE content was put in.  Very little work should be stressed.  The content that was added could literally be burned through in a few hours of play time.  Six months go by and here we are at the current “milestone” patch to receive…

Wait for it…

Updates to how Battleframes are used in PvP.


Right.  That’s what I said.  But there’s more.  Once again, they’ve turned the entire game ass over tea kettle on how you spend your experience points and rank up your Battleframes.  Once again, they’ve completely rearranged crafting and have added yet another new monetary resource.  Two “milestone” patches ago we saw the Medic disappear and become the Biotech while losing the healing rifle.  I complained loud and very clear at that time that this was a horrible idea.  I was told that the Medic was too OP and that the Biotech was a better solution to this.  I am therefore completely perplexed as to why the new version of the Tier 2 Biotech “Dragonfly” Battleframe has a new iteration of the old Medic’s healing gun.  Is it suddenly now somehow not overpowered to be able to heal?  I don’t understand.  Red 5’s developers seem to be more contradictory than the Bible.

So, let’s start with the good things that were put into this patch since that list is much shorter.

In-game Music Was Updated.

This might seem like a pretty weak item to list but they really did do a good job with this music.  The standard pieces are dramatic and have a sweeping feeling of exploration and loss.  The fight pieces are very good, though they suffer from a timing issue that is pretty standard.  You know that a fight is about to begin simply because the music started before you saw the enemy.   This is very minor, though, and the new music is extremely good.  Almost to a point that I wouldn’t mind seeing a soundtrack come out.

ARIES Missions Dynamic Content Added.

I don’t know who ARIES is, since this is the first we’ve really heard of it in-game, but the new dynamic mission content is pretty cool.  Along with this new content we see some changes to the map, such as a small cave/cavern area full of bandits or a building/complex area.  These changes to the map are refreshing and were much needed.

BattleLab Tutorial Area For New Players Added.

Considering all the changes to the Battleframes, it is a very good idea that they added this area.  The area itself is really nicely done, as well, and actually looks like a military base.  Considering the level of involvement that the military actually plays in the overall story of this game, I’d actually have expected to see a few more bases like this spread across the map.  The BattleLab does a good job of showing you how to maneuver your character and how to use the new abilities of the Battleframes.

New Graphics and Weapons for Tier 2 Battleframes.

This has been needed for quite some time and it is great to see the new looks of the higher level gear.  In some cases, it seems a little overboard, but it’s still good to have a different look.  The new guns are really nice, too.  And finally all the level ups seem to make much more sense.

Performance Tweaks and Improvements.

For being saddled with a dead graphics engine, the Red 5 team continues to improve performance in FireFall.  In fact, this is about the only thing that they are consistent about!  But thankfully, they do a fairly good job.  You can still expect your frames per second to drop nearly half to a third when in Copacabana due to the fire, player crowds, smoke, and lighting effects, but the bounce back is much better than it has been in the past and they seem to be making steady improvements.

Changes to the Crashed LGV and Crashed Thumper Dynamic Events.

They’ve made the Crashed LGV less lame, which is a really good thing.  The Crashed Thumper event makes much more sense without having a constant swarm of Chosen attacking you in all cases (though, that’s still a possibility too).  You actually are able to get immediate rewards from these events now and that makes it much more of a reason to do them.

That’s pretty much my list for the good additions in this latest patch.  Now let’s move on to the not-so-good and absolutely terrible additions.

New Jumpjet Sounds are Wimpy and Anemic.

They changed the Jumpjet sounds.  Instead of sounding like there are jets firing on my back or my boots, they now sound like I’m opening and closing a big CD changer.  It’s awful, stupid, and feels completely anti-heroic to be jumping around and hearing what amounts to an annoying electric motor whine open and closed.  Whoever decided that this sounds good and should be in the game with this patch should feel really bad.


It is ridiculous how much server side lag is now present in the game.  There were several times that the lag was so bad that the game was literally unplayable due to being unable to actually move or being rubber banded back to where you just moved from.  Connection issues were so bad the first day and a half of the patch that the client would hang on Establishing Connection.  If you were dropped at this point and somehow were lucky enough to log back in, you were dumped from the BattleLab only to find yourself in a watchtower a mile or two from Copacabana with no real idea on how the new abilities in your Battleframe work.  And the whole run back to Copacabana you got to deal with the nerve numbing, sense shattering, curse word inducing lag.  There are some that say, “Well, this is a beta and lag is to be expected after a patch.”  No.  This is a beta that is over a year old.  These kinds of major patches should be near routine at this point.  And, I’m sorry, this game has been in beta for a REALLY FREAKING LONG TIME so the “it’s a beta” excuse is getting really tired and worn thin.  The 0.6 patch came out on 3/22/13 and it is now 3/26/13…there is STILL an immense amount of lag that has not been addressed.

Battleframe Progression Has Been Completely Reworked.  Again.

We knew awhile back that there would be changes to how Battleframes worked in PvP and that there would be a separation of PvE and PvP ‘frames.  That’s all fine and dandy, but WHY did we need to completely rework the whole system entirely yet again?  The previous system worked fairly well and was easy to navigate.  It was user friendly.  It made sense with the three separate trees allowing you to focus on different aspects of your Battleframe and what you wanted to do with it.  That’s all completely and totally hosed and gone.  Now we are given three different mechanical aspects of our Battleframe to choose to build up.  You can basically increase your armor, your speed, or your computing power.  For each special ability you want to run, you’ll need two cores in the computing power section.  To run faster, you can increase your mass.   You get the idea.  This is great but doesn’t really reflect anything about the individual Battleframe you’re using; it basically just looks the same no matter what ‘frame you are looking at.  In addition, I was unable to find any way of seeing how much experience I have to spend before actually having to open yet another window in an attempt to purchase something.  I’ve been told that the experience points do show up in the lower right corner, but they may not show up right now because of the absolutely mind melting lag that this patch has induced.  Whatever the case may be, this change was not needed nor wanted.  They could have easily spent less time adjusting the abilities of the existing Battleframe tech trees and used the excess time to actually do what they had promised us to begin with: Add more PvE content.

Crafting and the Molecular Printer Have Been Changed.  Again.

Just like the progression of the Battleframes, Red 5 has decided that we absolutely have to mess with the crafting system yet again.  To their credit, the new interface seems a little easier to find what it is that you’re looking for.  However, don’t attempt to EVER even click on one of their place holder items, such as the LGV Race Terminal, or the entire thing crashes with a SIN Connection Error.  However, you may actually get this error anyway since the entire thing is currently borked due to the nose bleed inducing lag.  So, even though you may have successfully crafted something, good luck in unloading it since it will likely crash at least twice.

Changes to Thumping Difficulty.  AGAIN!!

I’m not sure how the difficulty slider works for this, but evidently there are no half point increments.  The last time Thumping difficulty was tweaked, it made it just a tad bit easy.  You could basically solo a Stock Thumper with it taking less than 25% overall damage.  But then again…Stock Thumpers are supposed to be designed for one to two player teams.  They’ve increased the difficulty and you’ll now be lucky to get away with your Stock Thumper making it out with more than 20% of its health left at all.  So, if the difficulty is on a slider and you were at 5 and now you are at 6, can we try a 5.5 setting?  Because this is fracking crazy.

Yet ANOTHER New Crafting Resource.

Why?  WHY DID YOU DO THIS??  They’ve created a new crafting resource called “Beta Crystite.”  I have no idea how this is supposed to be new, improved, or even different from the Crystite we had before, but evidently it’s the new thing.  Along with all the other things we already needed to have to craft to begin with.  Why was this added?  No reason that could possibly be given would justify its existence, so who cares.  It’s just something else for us to keep track of.  And while this isn’t the worst offender on the list of bad things, it makes it up here because, like so much else in this patch, it wasn’t wanted or needed by anyone.

Battleframe Super Ultra Epic Ability Added.

They’ve added an ability called “Hyper-Kinesis” to the Battleframes.  This effectively opens up the use of the “4” key on your keyboard.  However, you can’t use it right away and, if you’re just out exploring, in some cases ever.  In order to use this mega awesome ability, you have to be in combat and do damage.  At the bottom of your screen you’ll see a green bar that builds up with the more damage you do.  Wait…am I reviewing friggin’ Street Fighter?  Nope…still on FireFall 0.6….anyway, once the green bar fills up, you can then use your ultimate ability on your Battleframe.  In the case of the Biotech, this would be the Necrosis ability.  Necrosis should really be its own category of awful changes in this patch, but it fits here so I’ll leave it.  Necrosis is the new version of Poison Trail.  Previous to this patch, Poison Trail would leave a green gas cloud behind the Biotech wherever he would run for a short time.  Anything that went into the cloud took damage.  It was simple, it was awesome to look at, and it was easy to place.  Necrosis instead works like a green force field of lame.  You don’t see the trail behind you and instead just see green smears at the edge of the screen and some green lightning bolts around the edges.  You then have to run TO the enemy target for them to take damage instead of just using strategy to correctly place your poison trail.  Again, it’s dumb and completely anti-heroic.  Not to mention that it encourages stupid n00b behavior by having them run INTO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SHOOTING AT THEM!  It was probably thought up by the same guy that changed the Jumpjet sounds.  He needs to feel really bad.

That about covers it.  I’ve been told that there were changes made to the Chosen War Front too.  As soon as I can get past the erection killing lag that is present in the game, I’ll try to head that direction to try it out.  But until that is all fixed, there is just absolutely no way that I can effectively play FireFall anymore.  Which, with the changes that have been made, I’m not even sure I want to.

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