Who We Are

We're a like minded clan of gamers from the Portland metro area of the state of Oregon, USA. While we're based in Portland, we do have members from all over! So, don't be afraid to join! We tend to play many different games and we have guild chapters all over! We might even be playing a game you love!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Gaming Gloves Have Arrived!

ThermalTake, and specifically Ramsom Koay, came through and our gloves have arrived!  Unfortunately, Ramsom was only able to send us 5 gloves.  So, 3 of those gloves are set for priority to the DDO guild since they have spent the most time with the clan.  If one or more them decide that they would like to give their glove to another clan member, then that can be arranged amongst you.  The remaining 2 gloves will be given away in a contest at PDXLAN in November (contest to be determined).

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PDX Murderous Moppets
Community of Freedom