Who We Are

We're a like minded clan of gamers from the Portland metro area of the state of Oregon, USA. While we're based in Portland, we do have members from all over! So, don't be afraid to join! We tend to play many different games and we have guild chapters all over! We might even be playing a game you love!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

GameStop Removing OnLive Coupons From Deus Ex

If you purchase your copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution at a retail store, you're supposed to receive a code that allows you to play the game for free using the online gaming service OnLive. It's a neat giveaway, and it certainly gives gamers an incentive to try the service, but a leaked memo seems to show GameStop's fear of digital delivery: employees are allegedly being asked to open every game and remove the coupon.


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PDX Murderous Moppets
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